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Application period open for Keene housing development

Originally posted by: Adirondack Daily Enterprise SYDNEY EMERSON Staff Writer KEENE — Adirondack Roots is now accepting applications for the Both Meadow Trail development, a four-unit, single-family housing development for moderate-income families being built in Keene. The two bedroom, one bathroom homes will cost about $160,000 each, the nonprofit, formerly the Housing Assistance Program

Application period open for Keene housing development2024-07-26T13:17:38+00:00

Rehabilitation of Laurel Homes

Rehabilitation of Laurel Homes in North Hempstead Preserves Affordability, Enhances Safety, and Adds New Apartments for Seniors Originally posted on: Kathy Hochul today announced completion of the major redevelopment of Laurel Homes, a previously dilapidated public housing complex in North Hempstead’s Roslyn Heights. The project replaced obsolete buildings and expanded the development to 74 quality,

Rehabilitation of Laurel Homes2023-12-12T15:04:49+00:00
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