All Multi-Family

Bayport III


The Bayport III The Bayport III - Duplex The Bayport as shown features the following optional products: high pitched roof, dormer with shakes, window mantels, grills, shutters and front door with sidelights and circle top. The porch is site supplied and installed.

Bayport II


The Bayport II The Bayport II - Duplex The Bayport II as pictured features a front tower projection with a dormer as a standard feature. Optional features include the high pitched roof, wide cornerposts, window grills, mantels, shutters and front entry door with sidelights. The stone accent and entire porch are site provided

Bayport I


The Bayport I The Bayport I - Duplex The Bayport I as pictured features a front tower projection with a dormer as a standard feature. Optional features include the high pitched roof, wide cornerposts, window grills, mantels, shutters and front entry door with sidelights. The stone accent and entire porch are site provided

Bayport IV


The Bayport IV The Bayport IV - DuplexThe Bayport as shown features the following optional products: high pitched roof, dormer with shakes, window mantels, grills, shutters and front door with sidelights and circle top. The porch is site supplied and installed.

Fairhaven IV


The Fairhaven IV The Fairhaven IV - Duplex The Fairhaven IV as pictured has optional high roof pitch, full eave return, wide corner posts, shake style siding, decorative korbels, window grills, mantels, shutters, elongated first floor windows and siding. The front door with side lights is included. The porch and metal roof are

Fairhaven III


The Fairhaven III The Fairhaven III - Duplex The Fairhaven III as pictured has optional high roof pitch, full eave return, wide corner posts, shake style siding, decorative korbels, window grills, mantels, shutters, elongated first floor windows and siding. The front door with side lights is included. The porch and metal roof are



The Dupree The Dupree - Duplex The Dupree features a tower roof projection as a standard feature with an upgraded roof pitch on the dormers. The optional full size double dormer compliments the right side unit. Added optional features are the window grilles, lineals, mantels, shutters, wide cornerposts, shake style siding, full and



The Kingston The Kingston - Duplex The Kingston Duplex elevation as shown includes a panelized garage and front porch with decking, rails and posts. Window grilles, raised panel shutters and gable shake shingles are optional. The garage doors are not included.

Oakhill I


The Oakhill I The Oakhill I - Townhouse The Oakhill as shown features various exterior elevation treatments. The standard Oakhill I and Oakhill II unit features a tower projection with a single dormer above it. Please consult your Simplex Multi-Family specifications for the balance of the standard elevation features. Please note the entire

Oakhill II


The Oakhill II The Oakhill II - Townhouse The Oakhill as shown features various exterior elevation treatments. The standard Oakhill I and Oakhill II unit features a tower projection with a single dormer above it. Please consult your Simplex Multi-Family specifications for the balance of the standard elevation features. Please note the entire

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